Sex preparation against robots.

'True ' claims that the company is developing the world's first sex robot named Roxy and this year it will introduce sex doll, 

Britain launched a campaign against the development of such robots is to provide his own sexual gratification can be developed.
Spearheaded the campaign and from the University of Leicester in the Front de Mont says Dr. Kathleen Richardson's use of technology is unnecessary and undesirable.
Sachs dulz already present in the market for sale, and now the manufacturers are considering the use of artificial intelligence.
People belonging to this field Sachs believes that robots are required at the time.
However, Dr. Richardson wants the matter to inform the society and make the robots of the technology used to modify convince.

Wife or girlfriend we're not trying to offer an alternative. People who have problems with their relationship has broken down or they have lost their spouse.
Heinz Douglas
Speaking to the BBC, he said, 'Sex Robots, robots are becoming the focus of the industry and it is being thought that I might see and what they can do. It's really annoying. "
Dr. Richardson understands that it reinforced the idea that women belong to men, and not just the body.
Male and female sex toys sales company abs kryyysnz electronics now use these toys is going to start.
The 'True kmpynyyn or true partner that the company claims is the world's first sex robot named Roxy and this year it will introduce sex doll.
According to the company's chief executive Douglas Hynes ROXY such robotic sex tuayz time are required.
He says: "We try to offer an alternative to the wife or girlfriend is not. People who have problems with their relationship has broken down or they, 

David Levy, author of the 2050 sex between robots and humans will be normal, 
He said that people other than humans can get the joy and satisfaction. "
Heinz Douglas told the BBC that he hoped that "ROXY" will become a robot to speak their own and be able to know her likes and dislikes.
They say that "physical sex sex with robots are a small part of the time spent. If the majority of peace, and will cut into the conversation. "
Some experts 'ROXY' about being suspicious about these claims and the manufacture of intelligent machines are complications. Douglas says the seven thousand dollars worth of sex toys in this market already has thousands of people make the reservation.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers senior member Dr. Kevin Cron think this kind of products are soon to be popular.

Sachs robots, robots are becoming the focus of the industry and it is thought that they can look at and what can work. It's really annoying.
Dr. Kathleen Richardson
Speaking to the BBC that he would not be right to ignore the demand for robots. "If the mechanics of the matter be resolved quite so easy to make robots like humans. These attractive partner robots to replace the '' skin '' that requires not difficult. "
According to Dr. Kevin "Most robots today, not for business purposes are created in research institutions but is now moving thing."
However, he admits that this case will be public reaction.
He says that "to speak out against deadly robots are the organizations running the campaign, but I can see that man will raise his voice against the robot companions. '
"Love and sex with robots," David Levy, author of the book I like ROXY sex toy market is huge. His prediction that 2050 would be a normal sexual relationship between robots and humans.
"As the sophistication of robots will come and they will be able to express attitudes, their relationship with humans will often complex. '
However, Dr. kyurn fear that our society is not ready for such period as Partner where robots could be generally accepted.
According to him, the development of robots and adults, men and women and children of the men and women of the woman would be detrimental to bilateral relations.

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