If food intake is less obesity.

                                 If you look delicious biryani, but how much you should eat

Experts say the epidemic of obesity to reduce the available in supermarkets cooked or canned cooked dishes will be less than the amount.
He says that he witnessed 61 cases of which he or she concludes that "conclusive evidence" that was the amount of food that we eat unconsciously.
The team from the University of Cambridge said the small size of the plates, glasses and cutlery to eat when they are low. The experts also said they are reluctant to make the food.
Health policy, kukryn systmtk Reviews of database appeared in the team, according to figures given people more food, they eat more.
Experts have warned that in recent decades has increased the amount of food.
Two out of three people in the UK have either the weight or the heart disease from which they are obese or have type II diabetes and cancer risks.
The results of the study on 6711 people revealed that the team 'overdose' of the people's diet in reducing the dose may be less than 279 calories.
Experts say that if the government measures the amount of food given in small packages so they can lose weight.
Health, Public Health England, nutrition chief Dr. Alison Ted Stone said: "It is clear from this research that kyluryan to reduce the quantity of food is less, so consider buying food should do. "

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