"Computers do not improve student performance.

OECD Education Director of the School of Technology Andreas suaygr ny'lamhdud false hopes' have created, 

According to a global study on school computers and classroom technology made huge investments in increasing student performance is not helpful.
Faraknamk Corporation and Development Organization, a think-tank says that the constant use of computers in schools, the poor are more likely to be associated with the outcome.
OECD Education Director of the School of Technology Andreas suaygr ny'lamhdud false hopes' have created.
Students appointed by the government to conduct expert Tom Bennett, according to the school's computers sy'ckacund teachers' have been.
OECD report on the results of international tests examined the effects of school technology, such as international students who come to test the program, called the SA tests. This test is conducted in more than 70 countries and in these tests measure the students' digital skills.
The study, conducted for math or science test results according to International SA education system, which they are investing heavily in information and communication technology in their 'saw no significant improvement. "
Suaygr says the education system with high performance, such as East Asia consider using technology in their classrooms, they look very cautious. "
Students often use the tablets and computers, their work capacity results or relative who use these substances in moderation is worse than the students. " 

Most Internet use in schools in seven countries, three of which were performed in the study fall myn'nmayan "Seen, 

Technology analyst Gartner's annual global spending on educational technology in schools around 17 billion pounds annually on technology in schools in the UK are spending 90 million pounds.
British Educational Suppliers Association (the ESA) says that schools budget information and communications technology (ICT) of which 61 million are more than a half million pounds of software and digital content are allocated.
Suaygr says her students have a mixed impact on performance. "Reports

Students who use computers at school often bring worse results.
Student moderation in school once or twice a week, for example, use a computer, compared to students who rarely use computers, somewhat better learning outcomes, bring.
Heavy investment in information technology studies, math or science kuyy'nmayan improvement "is not displayed.
A school of higher education systems, such as South Korea and Shanghai in China's rate of computer use in schools is extremely low.
Only moderate use of technology in schools with digital skills is a top Singapore.
Suaygr according to the report, one of the most disappointing results is that the political-economic differences among students is not less technology, but the difference is much greater. "
He said the class to reduce the gap to ensure that the student's study and do more good grip hyn'hayy technology tools to access, is much more efficient way.
OECD Education Director, said: "Technology is always a lot of people are getting the wrong expectations. Some people think that we are organized in schools, it'll only technology will transform the learning process, such thinking very disappointed with their results will have. "
UK per student is of the highest levels of computer use
He said the use of technology in the classroom can be disastrous for students and students with homework answers Internet sy'phly prepare and copy them warned about the phenomenon of taking off.
The study showed that not a single country where schools often use the Internet to improve students' academic potential are caused. "
Most Internet use in schools among the seven countries in the study were performed three countries fall myn'nmayan "Seen. In these countries, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden are among the three countries, Spain, Norway and Denmark under the ntayj'jmud 'look.
According to the test results and the countries where Internet use is extremely low, such as South Korea, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Japan, the most in the world is performing countries and cities.
UK study of Internet use in classrooms, no statistics were not collected. But the UK per student computer use is of the highest level.
But the report's findings suaygr not to use the technology ky'azr as' can not be used, but more effective approach would be very encouraging for the discovery.
The digital textbook example of how modern than the traditional methods, which can be made with online technology.
"It is an agenda that is not going to end it, the technology is here to stay, whether it is school Join or not, but students have to change the world around."Image caption head teacher John Morris schools also less use of technology and the money to replace another better idea strongly rejected
The use of computers in schools to support an organization NA AEC chief executive Mark Chambers seem unrealistic to think that many schools should stop using the technology.
"The use of technology is very important in the society. Young families will use the computer. There is no way by which we can out of technology in schools. The schools must lead rather than to follow. "
He said the use of computer technology is now an integral part of school life, whether it be to test the ability of pupils, it should be an integral part of science lessons.
Caroline Wright, head of the ESA says the school ju'brtanyh using the technology, the results are stunning, and the learning performance of students 'dramatic improvement' hold.
Hugh yuurd Microsoft spokesman said: "The Internet also gives students access to human knowledge. But young people want to master the computer, since the beginning of school, it must include them in the learning process. "
Head teacher John Morris schools also less use of technology and the money to replace another better idea strongly rejected.
Green Junior School, London Borough of ardla havering Chief Morris said: "I basically do not agree with it. Head teacher of the school, while the last 24 years I have experienced that the technology has a profound impact on the success of our students. "Image copyright THINKSTOCKImage caption 'is not a single country where the general use of the Internet in schools, students are led to improvements in qualifications.
He said: 'technology enhances children's learning experiences. It keeps them engaged in learning. By pressing a button we can video conference in the US, by pressing a button we can talk to their parents.
"Technology is all about learning. We are preparing our children for jobs, without which they will not run. We are trained to use the technology that has not been invented yet. So how do you teaching and learning technology, our industry can isolate?
"When people say that being too much money on technology in schools, so I would say it foolishly. We need to invest more money. We need to learn from life. "
Normal behavior expert Tom Bennett, according to the government, but perhaps unrealistic expectations "to embrace technology in the classroom can not be removed again.
"But we can do? People linked to academic career at this point is to think very carefully what we really need?
I think that we have long been impressed by this. I think their budget as a magical pill are focused on this. The answer needs to pay more attention to teachers and students that actually what we need in the classroom. Instead of viewing it or to think, what they want to sell to us. "

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