Aqsa mosque after police clashed entry.

                                Similar clashes took place in the month of July, 

Al-Aqsa mosque compound in East Jerusalem between Israeli police and Palestinians have clashed.
Police lyyghsy so in the mosque compound, to prevent unrest. "
According to reports, police used tear gas and stun grenades used and the response to these goods were dumped rocks and fire.
The clashes occurred at the time when the Jewish New Year Rosh hasuna begins.
Israeli media quoted police as saying that Al-Aqsa mosque compound that Palestinians were planning to create such conditions that the Jews were not here.
Hyrtz daily morning local time 6:45 minutes security forces raided a sudden they opened the place to be. 

Palestinian religious and political conflict between the Palestinians and Israel is a sources, 

Eden by the police said in a statement the carrier expose youths threw stones at police and fire stuff. According to police, they found there is a petrol bomb.
An Israeli police spokesman said no one was injured in the clashes, while some Palestinians say that several people have been injured.
The idea was similar clash in July.
Haram Al-Sharif, the third holiest place in Islam for the Jews, it is the location and status of Jews there are two ancient temples. Haram al-Sharif compound in the two major mosques, Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock are located.
JERUSALEM Palestinians and between Israel and the religious and political conflict, there are violent events.
Tensions rose last week when I was defense minister, Moshe Israel yalun banned two Islamic groups who were against the entry of Jews into the premises.
Jewish New Year begins at sunset on Sunday, and will continue until Tuesday evening.

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