Which jobs are threatened by robots!

If you are working at a desk or driving a taxi, or walk up a basket, then stayed for a few seconds and think of all this work on a robot or machine can better way?
And unfortunately that will not be possible to answer 'yes'.
Now it has come out of the books and the minds of men that the machines would remove the need for a job.
A Boston Consulting Group predicted that by 2015 nearly a quarter of the jobs will take a smart software or robots according to a study by the University of Oxford in the UK 35% of current jobs machines replaced after 20 years is at risk of being.
As office workers make daily reports and graphs easily with software that can be changed, but also what other jobs are under threat.
The BBC has reviewed some of the jobs that are going through the same machines.Taxi driver, 

Currently, worldwide mobile apps get through the taxi driver taxi service are engaged in a dispute with Oubrou. Taxi drivers say that the driver of Oubrou service more than these rules are violated.
But Oubrou and vehicle together with other companies, Google is planning a service appropriate to be rid of the driver.
Traus clunky chief executive, says: "This service is very affordable because you were sitting in a taxi, the driver will not have to pay. '
By the end of this year in London, Milton Keynes area will automatically start running taxis in which people will be able to travel.
British cars without driver keeping to the Highway Code is based on modern methods.
Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, told the BBC's chief Steve mknmara driverless vehicles that do not threaten their jobs.
'Automated taxis on the streets of the United Kingdom will need to register. This technology is still in its early stages and yet it has no experience on the city's busy streets and it will not be for several years.
He added, "I really doubt that this automated taxis will be able to walk side by side with traditional taxis. ' 


China already underway to build a robot that can replace humans.
China's first robot dunguan factory city factory is being set up.
Shnzyn ayuynun prysysn Technology Board Chairman Chen says znguyy factory robot technology of the existing 1,800 staff plans to have 90 percent.
But China intended to force the robot are too far.
Dunguan According to the Bureau of Economic and Information Technology dunguan since September last year almost 505 factories in robot technology, has invested 430 million euros. More than 30,000 workers to the factories to transform from robots.
Fox quarry products like the iPhone maker is also planning to build an army of robots, but not so much on the grounds. In the next five years almost 30 percent of the company staff plans to change the robot.Journalist
Your recent Forbes report on corporate profits or the news agency AP reports read about the game, then it is possible that they are written by a robot.
Nyrytu like science companies like Cuckoo introduced a software to take data from different Web sites, it turns into an understandable format.
Nyrytu science chief scientist Christine hamund are already 90% in the next 15 years, the news will be recorded by machines, but told the BBC that does not mean that 90 percent of journalists over Jobs will be.
However, this can mean that the journalists are quick to cover the world-wide will kbrun. "Medical experts ,

A robot may not prove to be a very nice nursing home, but that he would be worth a vast sea of ​​data, which they brought could help in the treatment of a particular disease.
IBM's supercomputer Watson, United States, together with a number of hospitals is their advice may be the best in cancer treatment. Through these machines in the early stages of skin cancer will be diagnosed.
Doctors have long surgical robots are helping. For example, and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust will robots' hole 'through the kidneys play an important role in surgery. In such operations very quickly and that means the robot donated tract of a patient with kidney faster than humans are paired with.
There are defects in robotic surgery and in the last decade, according to a recent survey made by machines and 144 had died in surgery.
Currently in the field of medicine, working with robots and humans, but it does not always.
Jerry Kaplan in his book does not need humans 'writes' medical liability so easily treated patients may not assign their robots with artificial intelligence. "
But sometimes the better choice when it comes to the patient than a doctor working burdened with a knife robots are active.Cocktail waiter
The luxurious ships of Royal Caribbean aynthym off the recently imposed a robot is driven again. This machine MIT was created some years ago.
This time, people tend to order drinks through a computing tablet and if you are careful in your choice of menu and can order a cocktail.
By combining a robotic arm tackle this cocktail is put in a plastic glass.
BBC lyydu robots learn the difference and comparing cocktail made with traditional waiter. Robot-made cocktails taste was not as good as they drink their customers a unique taste like traditional bar tender to punch him were unable to apply.Life O Beach
If we do the right thing began working robot so we have time Ziyad.
But the question arises if the robot when the people started to work will not have the skills?
Rise of the robots kymsnf Martin Ford believes that if we pay the basic guaranteed income as unemployment and economic decline, we might experience a very big problem.
But when people have time to measure what they will do. Some people think that they will spend most of the time, while the beach is some idea that humans must also be at work.
Bristol University's Professor Neelu Christian said: "I hoped that the teacher, doctor and lawyer can not be replaced by robots in these areas often you need someone to talk to. '

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