Sex tape cream bynzyma career at risk in conflict

Cream byzyma last month before the matches against Armenia and Denmark fellow footballer spoke about the sex tape: sources
French football team playing for the Spanish football club Real Madrid striker Karim bynzyma a French player to blackmail case has been formally involved in the investigation.
French footballer Karim bynzyma be held in 2016 will take part in the Euro Cup? Join them in the national team is now in its final stage?
Blackmail case, bynzyma order to join in the investigation
FIFA suspended president hospitalized
France's most football watchers say his career is over.
The trial is being questioned cream bynzyma a French footballer Matthew uylbyna ski tape allegedly made the effort to blackmail.
Playing for Real Madrid striker skepticism denies the charges against him, saying that he uylbyna Matthew dealing with a difficult situation, only one had suggested.
But investigators say that is not so easy and cream on bynzyma 'involvement in the conspiracy to blackmail, could potentially be charged.
Bynzyma more harmful thing in the media leaked phone conversations are also given his statement raises questions.
This case once again the French football has suffered from the conflict in South Africa in 2010 as the home team were caught up in the conflict.
Day sams bynzyma to have no choice but to choose not to
Newspaper La Figaro spokesman Bruno Roger Strip
2010 World Cup in South Africa, the French team during training after the strike was badly defeated and he came back.
The fresh tnamay once again the players have expressed outrage.
The story began in the beginning of this year when French midfielder Matthew uylbyna know that a woman had made their sex video was stolen.
The alleged theft was held responsible Excel ayngat the French media of the richest footballers have problems.
Excel alleged that he and Younis Mustafa Z aych the help of two people allegedly blackmailed about this video uylbyna and unknown to them was not clear who tried to take advantage.
The trial is being questioned cream bynzyma a French footballer Matthew uylbyna ski tape allegedly made the effort to blackmail
However uylbyna refused to cooperate with them to the police report, the three suspects then began tapping the phone.
It is said that at this stage all the way to another. Bynzyma the cream of the cream spinach was contacted old friend who, armed robbery and drug offenses in the past have been punished.
Spinach Real Madrid star has agreed to take advantage of his friendship and the three suspects to bynzyma reach a uylbyna responsibilities.
Five Oct such training was a conversation between the two footballers, who are considered crucial to the case.
It quickly keeping the question of the national team and Matthew uylbyna cream bynzyma will happen?
Newspaper lyquyp "spokesman Vincent says:" I do not think that Euro 2016 will be added to bynzyma. "
Newspaper La Figaro, Bruno's spokesman said: "Day sams bynzyma not choose to have no other choice."
The TV channel Bang Support TV football program host Darren said: "It would be very detrimental to the players for the match against Germany and England have been chosen."
Bymzyma injured anyway, but this time they are not even so it is hard to imagine that they are selected.
City of London's Wembley Stadium next week in a friendly match to be played between England and France.
Interestingly, the Wembley Stadium last match between the two countries was played in 2010, when France went on to win by two goals.
France has committed to the goal? Bynzyma and uylbyna.

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