Paris hmlydult Islamic 'act of war' that President Hollande

French President Francois Hollande said that France yesterday in an attack carried out by the Islamic militant group.
Saturday morning the president said in his statement that it is a "war measure, and behind it is Islamic.
Friday night at six locations in Paris, capital of France, violent attacks, at least 127 deaths have been confirmed.
Adrnam so-called Islamic extremist group in Paris on Friday night, has accepted responsibility for the attacks.
France declared a state of emergency in the country's border has been sealed
France's president, said in a statement that the number of attackers, including suicide bombers who had eight.
He said his country was planning attacks in the country. The President has announced three days of mourning.
Earlier, French President Francois Hollande declared in the country and announced the closure of the borders.
Reuters reported that the French prosecutor says at least 128 people have died in attacks and 99 people are injured.
France imposed emergency hospitals and blood donations have been.
Teams started investigation and forensic evidence gathering attacks are going on.
According to reports, the clan kiln Paris theater-goers hostage killed at least 80 people.
Places of attacks and deaths

Btaklan Theatre: At least 100 people were killed, seven people were in critical condition, four injured
Research Subscribers: 19 dead, 13 seriously injured, ten seriously injured
Research bysa: 14 dead, one in critical condition, one injured
The Avenue of the Republic: Four killed, 11 seriously injured, ten injured
Stud of France: Four dead, 11 in critical condition, 39 injured
Research bumakcy: three in critical condition, four injured
Police officials say that Paris in France football stadium, concert theaters and restaurants in six different areas, including armed attacks, including suicide bombing.
State of emergency
In Paris, at least 1,500 troops have been deployed.
France is the Western coalition air strike against Syria is doing in Iraq.
After the operation, French President Francois Hollande visited the btaklan theater.
According to witnesses, three explosions outside the stadium in Paris. Explosions in the stadium between France and Germany was friendly football match.
President of France in the stadium to watch the match, but there have been evacuated from the stadium.
Officials say it is premature to say that the attacks were planned or not.
BBC correspondent says he saw the restaurant is out of the ten people on the street. People have been told they do not go out of their homes.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attacks in France "abhorrent terrorist attacks" is declared.
Reduced mobility
Paris, France after the attacks, but also tightened border controls air and rail services are continuing as usual.
All schools in the country, hotels and places of entertainment are closed.
US airlines suspend flights to attack the city, but other airlines have announced flights are operating as normal.
Although Paris is also open to international train service from London to Paris, however, the Euro train was fully booked which has been empty since the attacks.
According to the latest reports, British Airlines flights to Paris which announced the delay has reported security checks.
France Italy in the aftermath of the attacks have been put on high alert.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has postponed a visit to France. He was to arrive in Paris on Saturday and Sunday in Rome.

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