Video Games How do you change your mind.

Psychologists are differences on this point that video games are violent because they, 

Video games industry is worldwide and the number of people who play games, and an estimated one billion 20 million in annual sales soon Games will reach one trillion dollars.
Video games cause addiction and violence charges, but often come after three decades of research, scientists still could not come to a consensus.
The positive effects of video games on children
Some scientists in the laboratory investigation found that people who play violent rage-filled game is four percent.
But another group of researchers think the family background, mental health and male factors such as anger are more remarkable in quality testing.
It is certain that science video games and violent behavior in real life could not find a formal relationship.
But from this conflict, and research has shown that these different opinions have emerged about video games.
Psychologists are differences on this point that video games are violent because they are.
Other researchers in the world of video games in the hidden advantages are trying to learn.
Geneva University professor Daphna byulyr play video games and not have to compare those visual features.
People involved in a test case to keep an eye on the moves of different things.
According to Professor Daphna byulyr observation that this action came in playing video games not play those games were better than those. 

Mental exercise video games for a long time been overwhelmingly popular, but it did not have any evidence that might benefit from mental

This is the challenge for the brain and because of this encounter can process visual information more efficiently.
In Berlin, working on attitudes Max Planck Institute Professor Simon Cohen, the impact of video games on brain research.
In a study they used functional MRI technology. The study included people played Super Mario 64 DS Game for two months, during which their brains were observed.
He observed that, surprisingly, the three parts of the brain have been enhanced navigation and motor control that are related.
This video game was also unique in this regard that the three-D scenes look at the top screen while the bottom of the screen-to-the-scenes look at DVD.
Professor Cohen directions at the same time in different ways to determine the cause might be enhanced brain development.
At that time, the research found the most enthusiasm, which is trying to find out whether video games weakening of the brain in old age could stop the process.
Mental exercise video games have been popular for a long time but it's overwhelmingly found no evidence that the brain might benefit from.
The University of California professor Adam Gisela and video games for a team to design different game Neuro Racer (neuroracer) developed. 

Neuro-racer on the track other than a vehicle used to carry out tasks
This game was designed for older people play in which the guidance is a vehicle and the other is to fulfill the obligations.
12 hours game playing Professor Gisela saw the older people found that those performances have improved and the first time the 20-year-old beat the game playing.
He also observed that the improvement in their working memory and attention span has increased.
It is definitely known that playing video games can be transferred to the real world kusyat.

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