North Korea's nuclear reactor, as work is completed.

           The reactor plutonium for North Korea's nuclear weapons program is a source, 

North Korea has said its largest nuclear reactor Yong byung now fully working. '
According to the official news agency KCNA, North Korea's nuclear weapons 'quality and quantity' is bringing improvements.
Yong Bevan reactor was closed in 2007, however, North Korea and regional tensions after its third nuclear test in 2013 showed an intention to resume.
The reactor plutonium for North Korea's nuclear weapons program is the source.
The idea of ​​stopping North Korea's nuclear program stalled six-nation talks in 2009.
KCNA said on Tuesday that the US invasion of North Korea, its nuclear weapons at any time, have to face up to.
However, North Korea's nuclear capacity is still not clear.
North Korea claims that the nuclear missile is ready to be mounted on small devices.
The US authorities have expressed doubts over the claims and according to experts, the small size of South Korea to check for weapons is a difficult process.

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