Humanized creatures discovered in South Africa.

South Africa similar to humans, scientists have discovered the structure of a new creation. The discovery of a burial chamber deep in the cave was.
It contains 15 partial skeletons discovered is a unique example of its kind in Africa.
The researchers believe that this discovery will change our thoughts about the person.
The study, published in the scientific journal aylayf It has also been indicated that people who were religious trends.
Nalydy name has been given to this generation and biological group "homo" has been added, the organic group is linked to the modern man.
Research is the research that they are unable to say how long the creature lived Professor Lee Burger, head of the research team, told BBC News that they believe its kind (genus Homo) first and it's possible that 30 million years ago in Africa were living.
Like other researchers, the 'missing link' is necessary to use the term. Professor Burger said nalydy walking on two legs and the initial creation of a "bridge" can be considered. 

Professor Stringer of the Natural History Museum nalydy say, is a very important discovery

He says: "We went in to find a fossil. Many fossils emerged. And several structures and emerged as the discovery of several. '
Professor Burger's "The 21 days later, we had a similar history of Africa's biggest fuslz discovered. It was an extraordinary experience. "
Professor Stringer of the Natural History Museum nalydy say, is a very important discovery. "
He told the BBC: "We are finding more and more evidence that it might have been experiments to human evolution, causing different kinds of creatures similar to humans emerged in different parts of Africa. Only one type of seed is preserved, we reached the end. "
I went to see the bones, which were kept in a safe room utuatrzrybd University. The door was locked like a bank vault. Professor Burger open the door to the room and told me that our knowledge of the human subject is the partial skeletons and skulls.
15 unfinished structures are the remains of the men and women of different ages, including older people, including infants.
This discovery is unprecedented in Africa and will provide further guidance about human evolution.
Professor Burger told me: 'We will know everything about the race. "
"We will know when the kids were weaned, when he was born, how did they grow, how fast was the growth, development in males and females at all levels changes ranging from how they move from childhood to teenage years and how his death occurred. "

"It was like a human hand, but her fingers were billed as the apes', 


Hyrat stored in the bones to see how he was torn better were kept. Skull, teeth and feet that looked like they have a child, even though he was the substance of an older structure.
His hand was like a human, but her fingers were billed as the apes.
Homo nalydy any early man from Africa do not match. His brain is small, equivalent to an ape's brain.
However, they have been involved in human biological group, the shape of their skulls, smaller teeth, long legs and feet due to the newer look.
Professor Burger said: "I thought I would never see this in my entire career."
"This was the moment the 25 years as a palyunthrupulujst I was not ready."
This is an important question that remains how to get there. 

Members of the team that discovered the ancient structures, 

If it is so that it appears there was nalydyun trend in the customs and ideas were possibly symbolic, this aspect of the last two hundred years has been attributed to man.
Professor Burger said: We have to deep thinking how it was human. We were wrong about the phenomenon that is related to modern man? '
What we found in this trend inherited from ancient times and the early humans were able to always? '
Professor Burger believes that the discovery of creatures which occupy modern and early humans, scientists must work together again to admire the man. He said the man who avoid nalydy.
Other researchers believe that the prufysrstrngr nalydy should be called primitive man. But he believes this issue needs to re-evaluate current theories and we just scrape the surface of human evolution is complex and rich story.

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