The way to avoid hang-over "drunk less.

In the Netherlands, 54% of the 826 students who use alcohol to relieve some of your hang-over food preferred. 

According to a research of the Netherlands is wrong impression that the morning after the night drunk several glasses of cold water with a headache after drinking drunk or hung-over 'lessens.
But research says that headaches or have a hang-over-digest the only way that you can reduce the use of alcohol.
More than 800 students in the study were asked to remove their hang-overs are used, the results showed that no food nor water for this has a positive effect.
The research results presented at a conference in Amsterdam said.
Instead of trying to get used to.
In the Netherlands, 54% of the 826 students who use alcohol to relieve some of your hang-over preferred food, which foods rich in fat and heavy breakfast is included. 

Over two-thirds of their students in order to avoid hang-alcoholic drink of water with continued use of the drug since more than half of the water used before bedtime.
However, this group of students' water users group, when compared to the improvement of drinking water that is felt but it does not detract from the intensity of the hang-over.

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