Canada's 789 students drunk and hang them over the last month that he was asked about the experience, which he clearly was not a hang-over, it was very small amounts of alcohol.

A recent study showed that nearly 25 percent had drunk hang-over is after.
The student who has drunk too much and whose blood alcohol level ratio was 0.2 percent, one of them, there was resistance from the hang-over.
Forcefully urstr autrykt University doctor who led the study are concerned, it is fairly straightforward.
"The more you are drunk, so you should hang over the threat. '
According to Dr. urstr the next time they will hang over further research in controlled environments.
University College London, says Dr. Michael bloomfield several billion euro each year go into addiction.
"It is very important to answer the simple question that could hang over how to avoid? Although further research is needed, this new research gives us a simple answer to cut the drug. " 

The research presented at the conference of the European College nyurusayykufarmakulujy is granted.

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