nights and Dames of the awards' not appropriate in modern Australia.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm turnout shows Australia said that under the future system the honorary rank of knight and dames will not.
Turn shows that the speeches in modern Australia 'not suitable' sound. Britain also approved the recommendation of the Australian Cabinet.
Australia's former Prime Minister Tony Abbott knighthood in 2014 and the dam hood speeches were re-introduced.
Tony Abbott, Prince Philip of Britain's controversial decision to give knighthood in January, the Prime Minister's office was the main reason for the removal.
Tony Abbott said at the beginning, the Duke of Edinburgh award of Australia's contribution and commitment, in recognition of being. But later the decision 'unwise' declared.
Australia's complementary system.

Australia launched its first property in 1975, the series has already had replaced the British honor system.
Any person of any Australian personnel services, based on the best performance and success may nominate for this honor.
The awards process was broken in 1976, but in 1986 it started again for some time. Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott introduced the system in 2014.
Rpblknz say that it is the remnants of the colonial era frsudy system.
Tony Abbott in September this year by the ideas of right-wing leaning Liberal Party had to be led by the hand. Turn the ball to Malcolm took place.
Turn Ball said in a statement to celebrate the titles in Australia, Australian residents was an important recognition of the services, including the unsung heroes who do not receive the honors in the other world do not know. '
But he said his Cabinet recently decided that this system is reviewed and Knight and Dame hdz hdz "Our current system does not match. '
However, he found that people who have these titles, they will be back.
The opposition Labor Party has welcomed the decision. Party treasurer Chris bowen their titles 'a national disgrace' is declared.
But they say that it was 'reasonable' is not complementary system that we continue to cling to the British royal traditions.
Speaking to the news agency ABC said: "We should celebrate the fact that the nights and Dames of joy has gone away, but I must repeat that this flawed system introduced by the current government."
Prince Philip, three more people last year than it was at the News South Wales Governor Marie Bashir, Governor General Peter kusgruu, and include former air force chief Angus Houston.

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