"Be prepared to have suffered as a result of climate change.

Scientists say that climate change has begun to yield results
A leading economist has warned that human hands soon will suffer the consequences of environmental change.
Professor Richard Toll predicted that global temperatures increased by 1.1 degrees centigrade is more harm than good.
A degree warming limit increase cross panchayat
But environmental activists say that many professors pool environment of skepticism about the report.
The forests of the crop and to frtylazng had identified the positive effects of CO2.
Environment or climate or weather as opposed to referring to their ideas.
The professor of crop and forest pool frtylazng had pointed to the positive effects of CO2
Professor Pool B of the climate change program, said: "Many people will say that perhaps slight increase in temperature is useful for mankind as a whole, but if you see in it a whole dollar The effect will be negative. "
When they were asked what the man has reached the point where it will have consequences for their actions, he said: "Yes. Education is at least a consensus. "
But those who oppose it for environmental change is controversial because they often cite research professor tool which is the warming that we should not worry about.
On the contrary, another scientist says Matt Ridley temperature rise to two degrees will benefit the world.
Scientists believe that warming is due to human activity
He said: "We will see an increase in temperature to two degrees. Most people believe that the two-degree rise would be dangerous. This is not correct. Books that explain the rise of two degrees will begin to harm us, but before this we will continue to benefit. "
would not agree.
The increase of four degrees, but in Europe and other rich countries afford them who can afford to live in the new environment.
He said, "The best way to fight climate change is to accelerate economic growth.

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