"Assad must not, however, the Syrian people have the right to decide ''

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during his recent visit to Russia on their cheering was criticized by the US
Russia says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stay in power is not the key, but it is the work of the Syrian people to decide who their leaders are.
Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zakarua Tuesday said in response to questions in a radio program.
Asked the spokesman of the president of Russia to remain a matter of principle, he replied, Not at all, we never said it.
Bashar al-Assad warmly welcomed in Russia, the United States criticized
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He added: "We are not saying that Assad should stay or go.
Russia's President Assad is considered one of the most powerful allies
Russian troops in Syria to help government forces launched air strikes against anti-government fighters were.
Ayku Moskva radio station called Maria zakarua Replying to questions, he said, is important for Russia that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad remain or leave the power to decide the fate of the Syrian people, but their task. "
He spoke to the news agency ITAR-TASS said that his position is no indication that the regime change in Russia's stance.
On Tuesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail bugdanau also said that Moscow next week between Syrian authorities and members of the opposition will try to start negotiations.
However, last month, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited Russia in which his 'warm welcome' was criticized by the United States.
In 2011 after the civil war in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad was the first foreign visit. The dispute has so far cost the lives of more than four million have been.
America's stance that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the future may not have any role.

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