Apple and android application are spying on users

73% android apps, emails and addresses of its users to share and iOS apps, there are 47 percent who are sharing their user location information
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University and Carnegie Mellon University researchers .from Play and Apple App store apps on the 110 analyzed.
He saw that 73 percent of our customers android apps, emails and addresses are shared with other apps and Apple's 47 percent of which are used to share information about the user's location.
Privacy International says that a lot more evidence of how these devices' are deceiving. "
Who knows what about me? Users of mobile apps provide personal data or information to third parties relating to the background of a survey carried out a study of 55 popular apps and the same number android been testing iOS apps.
Researchers HTTP and HTTP traffic on the PS recorded using different apps that occurred during the communication in which personally identifiable information, such as their conduct content and location data on search terms Included.
In this study 55 most popular Android apps and an equal number have been testing iOS apps
He saw that android apps third party domains that send sensitive information by an average of 3.1 to 2.6, while the third-party apps auays domains are connected.
It is likely that iOS apps share personal information than most apps are android, android apps such as name (up to 49 per cent share of apps) and address (up to 25% share), while 18 percent name and iOS apps E-mail address are up to 16 per cent share.
Medical Information
The researchers discovered that three of every 30 medical (medical), health and fitness apps are such that the user can search and what information is stored, may share it with third parties.
Android phone app made about health, drugs com 'medical information is shared with third-party five domains in which the double-dot-net and dot com websites, including Google syndication.
The iOS app to leak more information, Lovely scoop, which was the location (on the user's location) Browser app user information to third parties for 17 domains is provided.
Most information was leaked to the iOS app that scoop Lovely location (the location of the user) browser app user's information has been provided for 17 third-party domains
The researchers write that "these apps to be associated with this domain so far is unclear, but its presence has created the desire to learn. When we run the app without any use your phone even android phone permanently attached to the domain. "
According to him the connection to connect, possibly because the process android phone is running in the background. '
Google moves from BBC Sioux named DMK com domain to provide more clarity concerning the publication of this report, but Google has not yet provided any information.
Privacy International said the report, many of these factors have highlighted that the tools we use to deceive us. "
E-mail addresses are not shared with third parties, and that rarely happens, the user will be included in the exchange. "
Websites leak
Users share apps from third parties related to the amount of content are becoming increasingly concerned.
54% users will need to install an app on your phone to be decided.
Similarly, a study by a University of Pennsylvania researcher Timothy Liberty last month by a researcher who was also, according to nearly nine out of ten web sites does not share user information to third parties and related users. are generally unaware. '

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