Yemen peace: rebels assurance in writing to the United Nations

                                            The rebels by Iran's external assistanceYemen rebels in the country's ongoing crisis UN resolution, UN Secretary-General on the implementation of the writing is assured.The BBC received letters from the representatives of the rebels agreed to negotiate the implementation of the seven-point peace plan has been pledged. The city of Oman in Muscat on behalf of the UN mediator in the talks was paid.With regard to the implementation of resolution last month after oral assure the letter was written.The UN estimates put the conflict in Yemen since 4900 people have been killed. 2335 is the number of civilians.need assistance.UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon in a letter to seven points in Muscat agreed implementation has been assured his temporary ceasefire, the withdrawal of armed militias from towns and return to the government in Sanaa Included.  

Seven points and withdrawal of armed militias in the cities return to the government in Sanaa include                                                                                                                                                   Mansour Hadi of Yemen on behalf of the president emphasized that any agreement on the Houthi rebels retreated from these areas during the last year they have occupied.The rebels Ansar Allah representatives of the UN peace plan in a letter to the Secretary-General, important and fundamental step to restore political order is called. "The letter stated that "other parties on our behalf, including seven points recognized as a project. We all United Nations to bring the parties back to the negotiating table are welcome. "In the letter, the government has been criticized and has been accused by the UN efforts for peace on the 'positive response has not been demonstrated. "Crisis and peace in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Yemen in fighting with government troops were to suffer complications.The rebels also have foreign aid from Iran.

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