Stroms in the Philippines, thousands of people fled coastal areas

Kopu storm that was predicted rain for three days, the flood situation on the ground and potentially landslides concerns                                                                                                            Philippines storm in the North Sea coastal areas kupusy houses have been destroyed, thousands of people have been evacuated. Electricity and transportation has been disrupted.Institute of natural disasters in the country, officials say up to 12 feet of storm waves on the coast have been raised.Sygran slow Sunday morning storm hit the island is near the city of Lausanne.Kopu storm that is likely to cause the next three days will be high rainfall floods and landslides has increased the risk of incidents.The curator of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Council chief Alexander Pama said ten thousand people from the North East region have been evacuated to safer places.Kopu named storms, which is also known by the name of Landau, because the speed of almost 250 kilometers per hour winds blows and it is slowly moving forward, this means that a long while heavy rains are expected. 

Who is so sharp that it can be easily pulled sydrkt, destroyed the roofs of buildings, which may adversely affect the power supply is kdsth                                                                                          What is so sharp that it can be easily pulled sydrkt, destroyed the roofs of buildings, which may adversely affect the power supply is kdsth.The curator of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Council chief Alexander Pama said: "To minimize casualties we force people living near coastal areas and rivers are out there."He said, adding: "The wind is very strong with time and storms come it will be too fast for the conditions are serious."Many domestic flights have been canceled and shipping process is completely suspended. The South China Sea to find the lost boat campaign is stopped. Four people were aboard the boat. 

Kopu Tuesday is expected to remain in the Philippines and by then it will increase Taiwan                                                                                                                                           Isabella, a resident of the province, the news agency Reuters afterwards framework bead told over the phone from the coastal areas were forcibly expelled.He said: "Four hours is heavy rain and strong winds. There is electricity in the province, the news is completely dependent on the radio. 'According to reports from the storm, the rain is turning to the capital Manila, but there are not likely to be so sharp winds, which pose no threat.The Philippine President Aquino byngunu on the storm warned people on TV, so people move to safer places.Hurricane Kopu Tuesday is expected to remain in the Philippines and Taiwan by then it will grow. Storm in the Philippines two years ago, a time has come when the storm to be fully restored after the destruction has not been.

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