Rocket attack on a hotel in the southern city of Aden, Yemen, casualties feared

                                The hotel building is on fire and black clouds of smoke are shownThe hotel building caught fire and ambulance arrived at the scene. However, no casualties have been reported.
The other two explosions UAE residence and headquarters of the soldiers were.
Reuters reported that local residents say several people were killed in the attack, but has not been officially confirmed.
Social media released photos of the hotel in the city of Aden, the cloud of black smoke could be seen rising.
Saudi forces loyal to the government in July, rebels had evacuated the city and then shorten the hotel was the abode of Yemen's public administration.
Yemen's vice president Khalid bhah officials and other senior officials in the attack while being asked about President Mansour Hadi they are abroad.
According to reports, a grenade was fired at the door of the hotel, the RPG and the third rocket landed near the entrance of the town in the district dropped bryqh.
Hotels on a media guarding guards casualties mentioned.

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