Processed meat increases the risk of cancer: World Health Organization

21 per cent of bowel cancer are processed and red meat
According to the World Health Organization WHO Beacon as processed meat (salt and dried up the pork), sausage (sliced ​​meat of large animals) and ham (processed meat of the thigh) is definitely cancer.
The company said in its report that 50 grams of processed meat a day or two slices at Beacon eating colorectal or bowel cancer risk is 18 per cent.
Meanwhile, it is also said that large animals are meat may cause cancer, and it is very limited evidence.
The WHO also recognized that their own advantages meat.
UK Cancer Research UK Cancer Institute says that because of the decline in beef and processed meat that should not be abandoned altogether.
Two hundred grams of a steak is more meat
Chemical processes that are involved in the processing increases the risk of cancer. Cook over high heat, such as barbecues even chemicals can lead to cancer.
100 people in the UK aged at least six people in any part of the intestine gets cancer. If all the people in their daily diet should include 50 grams of Beacon more likely to have their cancer is 18 per cent.
In connection with the preparation of processed meat arising chemical factors may cause cancer
However, Dr. Kurt stryf WHO said processed meat consumption in the individual risk of colorectal cancer, although the risk is low, but it depends on the quantity. '
The idea of ​​smoking every year almost 10 million deaths from cancer, while nearly six million people die from alcohol.
In contrast, large animal meat is nutritious and iron, zinc and vitamin B-12 is the major source.

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