Google Earth will launch balloons Internet providers

Ugl millions around the world under the project already has miles left until bubbles
Google told the BBC that the people living below the balloon pilot project is a continuous supply of data.
Meanwhile, Indonesia's three mobile companies also project next year 'loan' as a test announced to start.
Information Technology is an expert mqablymyn other projects, the project is more sustainable solutions.
Sri Lanka also signed an agreement to participate in this project was the desire expressed under the helium gas-filled balloons which will be used.
Four fast as G
               The balloon 60 thousand feet in the air before leaving the helium gas is filled
In June 2013, Google first announced its Super balloon project. Then New Zealand nearly 30 plastic helium gas-filled balloons were released into the atmosphere.
These bubbles are lighter than air and balloons were hung beneath some devices that deliver data faster to perform the work.
To receive and send data or information in these two radio transyurz, there is a third alternative radio. The GPS tracker is one to identify.
Air bubbles through the tracker will be turning up and down the balloon mounted solar kazmyn possible to contact all the time.
In the beginning of the project data can be provided under the three G's style, but now it bubbles through an antenna mounted on mobile phones or computers connected to the megabytes per second data speed and sheer bravado, the United Kingdom Four GSM connections per second at an average speed of 15 MB provides the data.
Also other new facilities will be included in the project.
                                 These balloons are made of different devices with computer
Project Loan Vice President Mike Cassidy told the BBC that five to ten days in the early days of the balloons were in the air. But now we are successful bnanymyn a balloon that can remain in the atmosphere for about 187 days. "
He said, "We leave them in the atmosphere has also improved procedures.'
Mike Cassidy said if all goes according to plan, the default of 2016, this project will achieve an important goal.
He explained that "We continued around the Earth for this project is approximately 300 balloon drop. '
Google believes the project is a cheaper solution for Lone mobile phone signals. Indonesia through its fiber optic cable across the pole for the signal to work long and hard to avoid.
Indonesia's population of 25 million, then ten million people without Internet access, but also to all those from the project would enable Internet access.

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