Google bought for $ 12 Reward

Google com domain on its own web site was being offered for saleOnline job search company Google, a Google bought for a while cash is awarded.September 29 due to the fault of the company's management for an American student cinema Wade bought the right to control the company domain.Google has introduced a new logoFor a minute the error com Google became the owner of his guilt on the Google deal was canceled.Wade finding fault Google cash prize which is given in the charity decided to distribute.Google has declined to comment on the incident.Wade's Experience Website, LinkedIn, wrote to say that they appear on Google web domains were linked because they were already working at Google.Wade this time at a US college student MBA.Wade morning of September 29 to buy Google's sites Google com with the name of the service 'sale' was written.My credit card for $ 12 from the Web site and soon after bought the team from Google Web Administration began receiving e-mails.Then he received a message from Google that Google com cancellation can not buy because it is already registered. They got them back in the amount of $ 12.Now it turns out that Wade bought the domain system error on Google's security team by finding a 'big prize' has been.Wade, however, the prize money to a charity of Indian Education Foundation has decided, after hearing of which Google has doubled its prize. 

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