US drug crackdown, 16 laboratories close.

Drug regulatory authorities in the United States unlawfully styruyd and other performance-enhancing drugs while proceedings against 16 laboratories have been closed and more than 90 people were arrested. 

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States during the five months in 20 states have seized thousands of tonnes of chemicals.China through the Internet against drug trafficking and secret laboratories "Operation Cyber ​​Juice is going through the process.Nearly 20 million US dollars in the latest action styruyd powder and liquid medicines have been seized.Illegal drug market

134,000 illegal food styruydz
More than 1300 laboratories of raw styruydz
Approximately 2100 gallons of liquid raw liquid styruydz
More than $ 20 millionDEA spokesman Chuck Rosenberg said a large number of young styruydz use their own bodies and lives were destroyed. But this operation zryay'aalmy underground styruyd market by targeting its losses and has been lying exposed.It began operation in April this year, which ended on Tuesday after the arrest of nine people. 

According to the DEA seized most of China's drug-making chemicals were purchased from companies in the form of the styruydz was passed in secret laboratories which were sold in the US black market.Arizona styruyd change in the so-called four laboratories have been closed up half million doses of the medication are taken into custody.

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