Two thousand year old tombs destroyed by Islamic.

An ancient tomb in these tombs, alahbl, which includes the construction of 103 CE was the year, 

Syria's antiquities chief said feeding yourself Islamic extremist organization warriors pylmayra located in the ruins of three tombs are destroyed.
Maumoon Abdul Karim said mausoleums an ancient tomb, alahbl, which includes the construction was in the year 103 CE, and it was the most secure in the tombs.
Bhrbhry stones and several-storey buildings were located outside the city walls and pylmayra richest family were the owners. The "Valley of tombs" or "Valley of the tumz, said.
Only a few days before the destruction of the so-called Islamic State located in the ruins of the two most important mabdun pylmayra also was destroyed.
Islamic forces in May added to UNESCO's World Heritage list was the militant group took their places near the first pylmayra two Islamic shrines destroyed, saying that it was "un-Islamic verbs are '.
This place called the Valley of tombs, Greek, Roman, ruins of the city located in the southwestern region and are found in the tombs of several sizes.

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