The legislation failed to end his life.

British learners the overwhelming rejected a proposed law incurable disease in which any adult person on the end of his life was the right decision, 

Twenty years later, the British House of Commons on the subject is discussed.
Irrespective of party affiliation in the House of Commons vote on the law was filed against the proposed law, while 330 members 118 members voted in favor of it.
It was suggested that the proposed law in England and Wales, incurable disease in adults under medical supervision must have the right to end his life.

The end of his life in England under English law hy.suysayd considered murder (suicide) in England and Wales under the 1961 Suicide Act to encourage or help someone who is considered a crime could be sentenced to 14 years.
In Northern Ireland the law is enforced in the England and Wales but not in Scotland, there is a law against suicide to help the person may be prosecuted under the laws of homicide.
Lbyr Party member Rob Morris learners in the debate on the law, said the law, citizens suffering from incurable diseases, does not meet the needs of families and the medical sector. He has changed the attitude of society and the law in England to adults who need the power to give life dignity.

Bruce said he was opposed to the proposed law fayuna law does not exist in the society lyythfz vulnerable individuals. Bruce fayuna his emotional speech that we are here to protect vulnerable people in society, not to the law for his death. He not only defects in the law, but neither legal nor morally can be accepted. '
The laws passed by the British Parliament did not vote in 1997 was the last time.

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