South Korean mobile phone, only to hear thousands free.

                   Pay depends on soldiers in the country's dwindling number of such phones, 

South Korean mobile phone more than 44 thousand soldiers are being distributed but the mobile phone will not only be able to hear.
South Korea's mobile phone four branches of the military, the Army, Navy, Marine and Air Force members are being made.
Abo web site to hear the mobile phone has been the goal of the military in the barracks with my family and friends to keep in touch.
Currently, a Korean soldier must call the management office so they can be heard through.
Defense Ministry budget restrictions mobile phone scheme will be only two soldiers in the barracks located in remote areas or are on the front lines.
But telecom company LG yuplys beyond the cost of mobile phones and network costs that were fixed after the decision to lift the soldiers will be 86 to 44 thousand, six hundred and no army barracks which are not The military does not have a phone.
According to reports, the company decided to afford it after reports that some Patriots were conscripted troops in recent border tensions with North Korea until the termination of the delayed told the gathering. 

The security issue has been mobile phones and any member of South Korea's military is restricted to the mobile phone. Payphones because soldiers have to rely on the country's dwindling number of such phones.
Korean soldiers were told to call the unilateral night before ten o'clock in the evening hours will relieve.
But the soldiers waiting for the phone to ring specific to avoid pre-written text messages will be allowed. It will be some default messages, please do call me today. '
South Korea's Defense Ministry said the scheme both soldiers and their families and it will help to reduce anxiety.

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