Some stroke patients to quit smoking easy.

Experts say that the role of the brain Cortex ansulr further investigation is needed to understand, 

Scientists believe that a specific part of the brain that smoking causes.
Scientists say the brains of people with stroke damage to this part of the ansulr called Cortex is easy for them to quit smoking.
Saysndanun the 156 stroke patients in whom had suffered severe brain differently.
Of those whose brain was damaged Cortex ansulr than the other patients successfully quit smoking.
Experts believe that this part of the brain that can be targeted to eliminate smoking in people could help.
The market currently available drugs to stop smoking nicotine cravings in the brain to remove the work.
Also gmz and pycz people to reduce nicotine cravings nicotine in limited quantities to supply work.

To understand the role of the brain Cortex ansulr need further investigation
However, experts say that the role of the brain Cortex ansulr further investigation is needed to understand.
But it is clear that in this part of the brain related to smoking, there is no activity.
These research findings have been published in two scientific journals.
Research in patients addicted to smoking, and they were admitted to hospital after a stroke. 

After the scan found that 38 of them were damaged brain Cortex ansulr 118 parts of the brain were affected.
All patients doctors had advised him to give up smoking.
Three months after it was observed that these patients simply give up smoking for many patients.
These people simply give up smoking in the brain was affected ansulr Cortex.

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