Screen lock system defect discovered android,

Almost 21 percent of android user using an operating system error in which it is present, 

US researchers at the University of Texas ayndruyd operating system has detected a fault lock them without a mobile device user access makes possible.
According to the researchers, if you work within the system to try to open a mobile phone or tablet as long as the extraordinary write a password lock screen is a crash in certain circumstances.
Google on Wednesday after the discovery system to use the product for its Nexus has released security patches.
The company says it is currently being affected by any user of this error has been reported.
Lock screen after the crash, researchers can gain access to data and applications in the managed.
Almost 21 percent of android user using an operating system which has the disorder.
US researchers say the user to lock the phone in place of password locking pin code or pattern is used, they will not be affected by error.

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