Painful story behind the cup of tea.

For those who work in the tea gardens not only lack facilities, but their wages are too low, 

The major tea companies in the UK use the tea garden areas to contribute to improving the conditions have been assured. Tea big name companies such as PG Tips, Tetley, and tuanngs included.

After disclosure of the report hyrdz tea has stopped the sale of certain products, whereas I follow the certificate issuing organization 'Rain Forest' is acknowledged by the study of the test method in the remaining loopholes have emerged.
BBC Radio Four and BBC Four documentary File Online News found that the combined effort resulted in the northeastern part of India, Assam, people are living in dirty and broken homes. Many families can not afford basic facilities like toilets and tea bushes to relieve himself are forced to use.
For those who work in the tea gardens not only lack facilities, but their wages are so low that they and their families are suffering from malnutrition. These employees are more likely to be fatal diseases. 

And then spraying of chemicals that workers do not have them any security risks to their health is ignored. In addition, some states have child labor is taken.Inadequate toilet facilities.

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