Once again clash in Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

              The incident occurred Sunday in the far there has been no injuries or arrestsAqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, Israeli and Palestinian security forces have clashed once again among teenagers.According to police, the youths hurled stones and fire crackers after the security forces' action to disperse the protesters. "However, between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli security forces continued for several weeks.Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam's holiest places for the Jews. This is of great importance.Because of this political and religious tensions between Israel and the Palestinians have lived and remains constant stress.The incident occurred Sunday in the far there has been no injuries or arrests.It must have been a time when clashes Jewish religious festival 'skuth' starting left a few hours.According to news agency AP Jewish religious festivals the risk of large-scale influx of Jews from the Palestinian cause had entered the mosque compound.A small group of Jews, the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Movement for Full Faith "on Wednesday announced a march to the mosque.Recently Israel's Jews were banned from entering the mosque compound and the Muslims during Eid so that all restrictions were lifted to decrease tension.Sunday's incident occurred on the last day of Eid al-Adha.In Jerusalem, tensions have increased since the beginning of this month when Israeli Defense Minister Moshe yalun Jews to visit the mosque, two Muslim groups opposed to the ban was imposed.

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