New Horizons Pluto start sending new photos.

                                Images sent by the New Horizons Pluto can be seen on the hill, 

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto from planet to dwarf the new images are released.
The spacecraft was launched last week to send pictures of a distant planet, which scientists will have the opportunity to analyze.
Latest images hill, smooth valleys and snowy mountain ranges can be seen.
After July 14, scientists were able to analyze the data very little. Often the images are coming from.
This means that the team regularly in the future in accordance with the images and description of them will be, they will send.
Styrn investigator Alan would say it's very mhsur.
Southwest Research Institute scientists said in a statement that "there's the problem we diversifying Pluto and showing the complexity of the process, which could not be matched in the solar system." 

On Pluto, the icy heights of the peaks is one and a half kilometers, 

He said that if no artist before Pluto mission makes the image so I might say that it is perfect, but actually it is the same. "
On Pluto, the icy heights of the peaks is one and a half kilometers.
These peaks are located between icy and smooth surface which is named sptnk plnm. Scientists believe that in a million years old, while the images shown in the black section takes billions of years old.
Two months ago, the New Horizons 2,300 kilometers wide around the planet went through so he was sent to a collection of hits, most of the information is still stored in the ship.
He said that he began to taste the compressed images were found. But when the scientific information gathering mission, and its focus is on data without pictures became a little break. "
The mission has now entered a new phase in which the stored data is to link free, but now it will be the first without the high kmrysn.
New Horizons of the vast distance from the current location in 2016, means that it will be possible that the data reached the ground.

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