Lions 'killer' doctor returns to work.

             From Minnesota dentist said he never shot but was injured by arrows, 

Lion hunting in Zimbabwe international uproar American doctor and dentist who said this week that they intend to come back to work, he did not do anything wrong.
In July, Cecil called first interview since the death of Lion Walter Palmer said he did not know the importance of this animal.
He revealed that his family, citing safety issues, are facing.
Palmer said that the government of Zimbabwe would extradite them against possible litigation.
Speaking about the incident for the first time in Palmer, the American news agency Associated Press and the Star Tribune newspaper said mini aypls He is working within the framework of the law. He also said that if he had known what the animals do not kill him.
Palmer said, "I knew that the Lions have a name and to his country, and indeed it is important for research does not suffer. Our hunter groups not know anyone named Tiger was not the first to suffer. " 

From Minnesota dentist who admitted that he had killed the lion with arrows. He, however, denied that the lion had 40 hours to find and kill.
The Zimbabwe government denied the claim that the lion had been shot, but he was using the arrows.

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