"In two days 40 thousand refugees can come Germany.

Munich Mayor daytr rytr other cities have also appealed to the authorities that they proceed to place asylum seekers, 

Officials in Germany say their estimates for the next two days more than 40 thousand refugees in the country can be entered.
Germany last weekend, the number of refugees has doubled.
Most of these refugees are expected to arrive in the southern city of Munich.
German authorities in connection with the influx of refugees arrangements to support four thousand soldiers were deployed.
Syria and Libya as refugees from war-torn countries of destination and the main reason was the German government's asylum seeker registration of EU law is suspended.
Germany's government announced last month that he will take action on requests all refugees regardless of what European country they first entered.
Since then, thousands of refugees from Turkey through the Balkans and Hungary, Germany, Austria and Sweden have set out to reach. 

Last week, thousands of Middle Eastern immigrants entered Hungary,

 German refugees who arrived in Munich last week, was greeted at the train station after the arrival of refugees continued throughout the week.
Munich Mayor daytr rytr other cities have also appealed to the authorities to accommodate the refugees go ahead.
According to official media said that other German regions, the failure to provide housing for refugees a 'scandal' is.
There are also reports that the German government is considering such measures under which the government seized houses out there refugees could be resettled.
Officials in the province of Lower Saxony in northern Germany on Lone Berg Heath decided to make a major center and refugees coming from Austria will be taken there directly.
Saturday in support of immigrants across Europe are reported to be demonstrated.
According to reports, the following day, millions of European countries participate in the various events will take place in the different countries. 

Serbia borders Hungary to the adjacent refugee camp set up on the aging condition is said to  

Immigrants with the same day of protest demonstrations and rallies are likely, however, that very few people are expected to attend.
The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the EU is Syria's civil war in Syria to the aid of those displaced to neighboring countries to give financial aid to three billion euros.
Orban said that the neighboring countries of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan under the aid package of this kind of mass migration from Europe will come down to.
However, this year, Hungary is facing severe problem of immigrants and a half million immigrants have been dealing with the issue.
According to Hungary next week for anyone who enters the country illegally would be arrested.
During the interview with the German newspaper Bild, Mr Orban said that the budget of three billion Euro in all EU countries can be obtained from an increase or decrease of one per cent of the costs being accrued is. 

Have said: "We have a plan that we will present in the future of the European Union. This means that the neighboring countries of Syria will cooperate with the tremendous financial support. "
He said that Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey must return there, where the immigrants come from. At the same time, he said, "They're not run the risk '.
"He did not come to Europe but that they should seek a better life in security hyn.yunan, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Austria living conditions forbid them."
Mr Orban warned Friday after September 15 will be a tough immigration law.
He said last week that the number of migrants entering Hungary revolted against the police had to set up and manage.
To stop the flood of immigrants in the European Union is continuing to negotiate a long thread
In Hungary, there is tension between the authorities and the thousands of immigrants are immigrants Greece Northern and Western European countries want to go.
During the last few days, the volunteers involved in rescue operations on the border with Hungary and Serbia ruszky refugee camp said lamentable condition.
Hungary says that being a member of the European Union to carry out their duties and registration is required to all new immigrants.
But her efforts to stop migrants at the border of Serbia with respect to the hedging or hedging and border protection practice has proved controversial.

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