In Bangladesh, the first comic book published on homosexuality.

                               The book which is based on the story is attracted to other girls, 

For the first time in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, is a comic book was published in which a young lesbian girl has been revealed about his sexual desires.
The purpose of this comic book as the conservative Muslim-majority country Bangladesh gay is to create awareness of the plight.
Bangladesh's largest gay rights group Bangladesh Saturday Boys 'daughter', a publication of the comic book was arranged.
Bengali language in the sense of wit and wisdom are carrying.
This comic book is one of four people who develop content Mehnaz Khan told the news agency AFP that "the purpose of carrying about gay and transgender people to make positive choices because we love I should be able to. "
The aim is to give everyone a message. '
Bangladesh gays are treated with the utmost exclusivity. In Bangladesh, homosexuality is a crime punishable by life imprisonment. Although this example is very low 

For the first time in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, is a comic book was published in which a young lesbian girl has been revealed about his sexual desires.
The purpose of this comic book as the conservative Muslim-majority country Bangladesh gay is to create awareness of the plight.
Bangladesh's largest gay rights group Bangladesh Saturday Boys 'daughter', a publication of the comic book was arranged.
Bengali language in the sense of wit and wisdom are carrying.
This comic book is one of four people who develop content Mehnaz Khan told the news agency AFP that "the purpose of carrying about gay and transgender people to make positive choices because we love I should be able to. "
The aim is to give everyone a message. '
Bangladesh gays are treated with the utmost exclusivity. In Bangladesh, homosexuality is a crime punishable by life imprisonment. Although this example is very low.

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