Humanity has been washed ashore.

                        A image after the loss of human lives in Syria, a debate has begun again, 

Three-year-old Syrian boy was on the coast of Turkey aylan body image over the Internet is being discussed, but what about the Syrian immigrants will change world opinion?
Syria Kobane aylan three-year-old child had tried to Greece with his family drowned in the sea, and his body was lying prostrate on the coast of Turkey.
The world has been shocked by the scene.1: "Humanity has arrived on the coast flowing.
Turkey, a news agency, and after his image was released worldwide on social networking sites outrage being expressed.
I trained her on Twitter hashtags one of the five 'humanity was carried away on the coast is.
The Turkish proverb used by those who have the first picture on Twitter hash tag '#kiyiyavuraninsanlik' began to experiment with.

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