Germany will have to change refugees: Merkel.

                                     Germany alone can'nt deal with this crisis
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel says the refugees in Germany 'astonishing' number throughout the country in the coming years will have changed.
He said Germany expedite asylum procedures in the country will build more houses.
Germany's coalition government to tackle the problem of immigrants consists of six billion euros agreed to release funds.
Merkel also said that Germany not only can deal with the crisis. He urged all European countries to help refugees.
That the last Saturday and Sunday, at least 20 thousand immigrants came to Germany on Monday and is expected to be 11 thousand people entered the country.
Earlier, French President Francois Hollande declared that the crisis France is ready to take 24,000 refugees.

He said he and Merkel want the European Union to support a plan under which each member country, he must take a fair share of refugees.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to open the country's borders for immigrants are under criticism.

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