Find new routes in Europe of asylum seekers.

Governments in Central Europe could not protect its borders from others, are criticized,
Thousands of stranded refugees in Croatia and Hungary by sluunya borders closed to proceed in Northern Europe are looking for new routes.
Sluunya last night's police pepper spray on a group of refugees rumored, who was trying to enter Croatia sysluunya.
But Hungary is also accused Croatia of refugees in their own country to another process without registering the refugees is a violation of international law.
Clashes in Hungary entry
Germany border control will srua
According to the regulations of the European Union member country to which immigrants must apply for registration it has applied for asylum in the same country or the situation on the ground is different from that expected, because the majority of immigrants to Germany and Austria desire.
The European Union on the issue of dealing with the problem of refugees who have twisted the situation next week to consider holding confrences,

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