"Facebook likes are a reflection of your personality.

                                On a recent day, a billion people have set a new record Login, 

Facebook, the world's most popular social networking site, which is approximately a half billion global subscribers.
To use the site to post any of your friends to like the 'Like' button press is very common.
However, experts from the University of Cambridge that favorite content from Facebook only people can know a lot about them.
For this work he developed a computer program which is based layks any Facebook user can prepare the Profile.
This program can tell you that you are male or female, your religion or political ideology, and the information may be too many.
To use this program you can go to a specific Web site, select the option of your profile will be predicted and then the app to your Facebook layكs information will allow.
Facebook users about each individual analysis is not completely accurate but the general results are the same.

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