Eat more fish to avoid depression.

A new study has proved that people who eat more fish can be protected from the disease of depression

According to researchers, one possible reason that a certain type of fat in fish (fatty acids) have different parts of the brain that is important to keep active.
Mental health charity working, according to the study of human mind and mood, the food will help the investigation.
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases and social health researchers say fish consumption and depression even before it has been very little research, but those results were unclear.
When he read what various investigations found that the positive effects of eating fish has been much research in Europe but in other parts of the world remains to be working on it now.
This was the first study to conclude that no one had been controversial, it was in the 2001 investigation of all relevant data are collected and some new conclusions.
According to statistics revealed that fish consumption and mental health is a major concern and its impact on both men and women are equal.
Researchers say these results are not final because these effects but lots of interesting things have emerged that why mental health is essential to fish? 

Those who are vegetarian or do not like to eat fish, they can find material different seeds and fruits,

One possible explanation is that the omega three fish, two dopamine and serotonin in the brain chemicals such as functionality plays an important role in. These chemicals belong to a depressive illness.
The second reason is the use of fish that people who care about is what they usually eat a healthy diet, which in turn improves their mental health.
Unyursty Dow Medical College Professor Dong Feng Zhang Qing said that using more fish as possible at the initial stage of depression prevention works. "
He said that the future research is needed to find out what this relationship is found between the different types of fish. '
Mind's Information Manager Rachael Boyd said a circular recently the 'food and mood, which is published in the name of the fish found in the "healthy fat" food has been suggested.
He said, 'Here it is important to clarify that the results not be accepted, because the causes of depression and many other factors are involved. "
"But we really believe that the fat in your diet to include chemicals for your mental health can be very helpful and the little changes in your diet can have big benefits."
He also said that those who are vegetarian or do not like to eat fish, they can get materials from different seeds and fruits.

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