China's cyber attacks 'acceptable' are not Obama.

He suggested the two sides to agree on general rules relating to cyberspace will have, 

US President Barack Obama said China's alleged cyber attack at any cost 'acceptable' are not. President Obama made this statement at a time when China's President Xi Jinping is scheduled to visit the United States.
China is accused of several American companies and millions of websites are being hacked accounts of government employees.
China's president will visit Washington later this month.
President Obama says the United States to deal with such attacks need to further improve the system.
White House, President Obama will not stay at a hotel in New York. The hotel was bought last year by a Chinese company.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not comment on what the hotel is linked to the purchase of Chinese espionage.
Spokesman kh'bht president when things are under consideration, such as the White House, where I will not stay. From the available space and security costs are being considered all these things. '
President Obama expressed his impressions in Maryland during a meeting with US military officials.Cyber ​​Attack 

We are told that in China very clearly that there are many things in which they are involved. We all know that being from China and are not acceptable under any circumstances
President Obama
He kh'hm China very clearly tell you that there are a lot of things in which they are involved. We all know that being from China and are not acceptable under any circumstances. "
He suggested the two sides to agree on general rules relating to cyberspace will have. He kh'yh is a point which we pose a significant threat to national security sjmhty should try and figure it out. '
But he feared that China would encounter the line: "I assure you that if we are sure that we will win."
The administrative staff at the office, regardless of the alleged Chinese attack US military prosecutors last five Chinese economic espionage case was filed.
But China has said that the US is facing cyber attacks. Beijing has accused confirm that these disclosures former CIA officer Edward Snowden is also.

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