Bill called the news of the destruction of ancient temples right '

The first year of the temple was built in AD and dedicated to the worship of God was pylmayra, 

In the department of archeology and antiquities chief has dismissed reports that the Islamic militant group called the most important in the pylmayra ruins of the temple destroyed by the blast.
United Nations World Cultural Organization declared World Heritage by UNESCO, located in the ruins of the ancient sanctuary called the bill at least partial destruction News from witnesses and local residents were found on Sunday.
It was still not clear to what extent the two thousand year old temple has been damaged.
The first year of the temple was built in AD and dedicated to the worship of God was pylmayra.
Syrian archaeologist said on Monday that President Maumoon Abdul Karim said that they are the temple of the bill is still in place.
The temple at the site of the blast, but said that if confirmed pylmayra reports are saying that the temple was not destroyed yet. 

The Islamic pylmayra about this latest attack, a resident told AP news agency that "complete devastation. Anytyn and pillars have collapsed. Was it that no one could hear him deaf. The rest of the wall is the only place to worship. "

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