According to experts, smart phone addiction victims are children.

Touch Cyber ​​Wellness Center manager in Singapore Chongqing Hubei J. said that "young people do not have this level of maturity that they can use the smart phone as well, because if they do not have self-control."
They are concerned about the mobile phone how to change the behavior of children.
They say that many guys here because smart phones are readily available as part of their school curriculum. WhatsApp zryayghr of children in Singapore to share the assignment is not uncommon. "
In South Korea, 19-year-old Emma Yun (not his real name) from April 2013 numufubya being treated.
He said: "I call my world has become an additional part of the hijrah myself.
"I think it comes in my mind that if my mobile phone is lost, I feel my heart beating fast enough to sweat. I never went out anywhere without it. "

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