A new chapter in the story of Stonehenge.

A five-year project researchers Stonehenge hidden scenes will be underground mapping, 

Archaeologists say the UK's famous place some pieces of stone found near Stonehenge Stone Age that it can be part of the large British monument.
4,500 years old, some of them 15 feet long and stones dyurngtn of Wallis 'Super hedge' on the ground three feet down were found.
The researchers say it is very unique and unusual scale, was created.
Stonehenge under a five-year research project will prepare a map of the hidden underground scenes.
Without a team digging through remote sensing and geophysical imaging technology is evidence of the existence of about a hundred stones.
This monument of Stonehenge, located in Lancashire volt three kilometers and it is said that they were religious rituals.
Experts say that this monument potentially leading to a dry valley of the River Avon, and was built around the springs. 

Although there has been no excavation, but the idea that rock Native 'sarsyn' stones are carved.
Wallis dyurngtn sarsyn in a field that is a unique stone stands, the CCW Stone says.
The central research researcher Vince Gaffney belong to the University of Bradford. He said: "We do not have anything like this in the whole world. It is something new and unusual is the scale. "

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