Facebook: a billion consumers in day.

In a post on Thursday predicted that the number of Facebook users will continue to grow. 

Social networking Web site, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg the first time in a number of Facebook users has exceeded one billion.
He wrote in a post on the "milestones" crossed legs "in every seven people in the world a user to communicate with his family and friends using Facebook."
At least once a month on the number of users who use Facebook's half a billion to a billion users on a day to use is very important progress.
In October 2012, the number of users of social networking site reached a billion.
In a post on Thursday predicted that the number of Facebook users will continue to grow.
Berg wrote that Mark mentioned, we have reached the milestone for the first time and it is only the beginning of the consolidation. " 

Facebook claimed in July that more than half the worldwide online users at least once a month, the site is visited.

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